RSA-based Encryption#

RSA assumption#

Definition (The RSA problem)

Given a modulus \(N\) and an integer \(e>2\) relatively prime to \(\phi(N)\), to compute \(\left[y^{1 / e} \bmod N\right]\) for a modulus \(N\) of unknown factorization.

Algorithm (RSA key generation GenRSA)

Input: Security parameter \(1^{n}\)

Output: \(N, e, d\)

\((N, p, q) \leftarrow\) GenModulus \(\left(1^{n}\right)\)


choose \(e>1\) such that \(\operatorname{gcd}(e, \phi(N))=1\)

compute \(d:=\left[e^{-1} \bmod \phi(N)\right]\)

return \(N,e, d\)

Definition (The RSA experiment)

RSA-inv\(_{\mathcal{A}, \operatorname{GenRSA}}(n)\) :

  1. Run \(\operatorname{GenRSA}\left(1^{n}\right)\) to obtain \((N, e, d)\).

  2. Choose a uniform \(y \in \mathbb{Z}_{N}^{*}\).

  3. \(\mathcal{A}\) is given \(N, e, y\), and outputs \(x \in \mathbb{Z}_{N}^{*}\).

  4. The output of the experiment is defined to be 1 if \(x^{e}=y \bmod N\), and 0 otherwise.

Definition (The RSA problem is hard)

The RSA problem is hard relative to \(\mathrm{GenRSA}\) if for all probabilistic polynomial-time algorithms \(\mathcal{A}\) there exists a negligible function \(\mathrm{negl}\) such that \(\mathrm{Pr}[\) RSA-inv\(_{\mathcal{A}, \operatorname{GenRSA}}(n)=1] \le \mathrm{negl}\).

Definition (The RSA assumption )

There exists a \(\mathrm{GenRSA}\) algorithm relative to which the RSA problem is hard.

Plain RSA Encryption#

Algorithm (The plain RSA encryption scheme )

  • Gen: on input \(1^{n}\) run GenRSA \(\left(1^{n}\right)\) to obtain \(N, e\), and \(d\). The public key is \(\langle N, e\rangle\) and the private key is \(\langle N, d\rangle\).

  • Enc: on input a public key \(p k=\langle N, e\rangle\) and a message \(m \in \mathbb{Z}_{N}^{*}\), compute the ciphertext

\[ c:=\left[m^{e} \bmod N\right] . \]
  • Dec: on input a private key \(s k=\langle N, d\rangle\) and a ciphertext \(c \in \mathbb{Z}_{N}^{*}\), compute the message

\[ m:=\left[c^{d} \bmod N\right] \text {. } \]

Padded RSA and PKCS #1 v1.5#

Algorithm (The padded RSA encryption scheme)

  • Enc: on input a public key \(p k=\langle N, e\rangle\) and a message \(m \in\{0,1\}^{\|N\|-\ell(n)-1}\), choose a uniform string \(r \in\{0,1\}^{\ell(n)}\) and interpret \(\hat{m}:=r \| m\) as an element of \(\mathbb{Z}_{N}^{*}\). Output the ciphertext

\[ c:=\left[\hat{m}^{e} \bmod N\right] . \]
  • Dec: on input a private key \(s k=\langle N, d\rangle\) and a ciphertext \(c \in \mathbb{Z}_{N}^{*}\), compute

\[ \hat{m}:=\left[c^{d} \bmod N\right], \]

and output the \(\|N\|-\ell(n)-1\) least-significant bits of \(\hat{m}\).

let \(k\) denote the length of \(N\) in bytes; i.e., \(k\) is the integer satisfying \(2^{8(k-1)} \leq N<2^{8 k}\).

Messages \(m\) to be encrypted are assumed to have length an integer number of bytes ranging from one to \(k-11\).

Algorithm (RSA PKCS #1 v1.5)

Encryption of a \(D\)-byte message \(m\) is computed as: (0x00||0x02||r||0x00||m) \(^e \bmod N\)

where \(r\) is a randomly generated, \((k-D-3)\)-byte string with none of its bytes equal to 0x00.

OAEP and PKCS #1 v2#

Algorithm (The RSA-OAEP encryption scheme)

  • Enc: on input a public key \(\langle N, e\rangle\) and a message \(m \in\{0,1\}^{\ell}\), set \(m^{\prime}:=m \| 0^{k}\) and choose a uniform \(r \in\{0,1\}^{k}\). Then compute

\[ t:=m^{\prime} \oplus G(r), \quad s:=r \oplus H(t) \]

and set \(\hat{m}:=s \| t\). Output the ciphertext \(c:=\left[\hat{m}^{e} \bmod N\right]\).

  • Dec: on input a private key \(\langle N, d\rangle\) and a ciphertext \(c \in \mathbb{Z}_{N}^{*}\),

    • compute \(\hat{m}:=\left[c^{d} \bmod N\right]\). If \(\|\hat{m}\|>\ell+2 k\), output \(\perp\). Otherwise, parse \(\hat{m}\) as \(s \| t\) with \(s \in\{0,1\}^{\ell+k}\) and \(t \in\{0,1\}^{k}\).

    • Compute \(r:=H(t) \oplus s\) and \(m^{\prime}:=G(r) \oplus t\).

    • If the \(k\) least-significant bits of \(m^{\prime}\) are not all 0 , output \(\perp\). Otherwise, output the \(\ell\) most-significant bits of \(m^{\prime}\).